Saturday, January 10, 2009

Aloha means, "Hello," but also "Goodbye."

I am writing today after hearing some sad news. Alfred Shaheen, the creator of the "Aloha Shirt" (also known as the Hawaiian Shirt) has died at the age of 86.

When I first was trying to come up with a trademark look for my kids' music act, my mother-in-law Ginna kindly bought me an Aloha Shirt with guitars all over it. 

That trusty guitar shirt has served me well over the years (as well as several other Aloha Shirts in my collection). It's always a party when you've got an Aloha shirt on! Thanks Mr. Shaheen for your inspired clothing design and Aloha from Singing in the Bathtub.

Hawaiian Quote of the Day: Li`uli`u wale ka nohona i ka lâ o Hauola,
a holoholo i ke one o `Alio. (Long has one tarrried in the sunlight of Hauola and walked on the sand of `Alio: Hawaiian proverb said in praise of an aged person)


Anne Deysher said...

I never thought of who might have conceived of Hawaiian shirts. You're so right that it's a party when you wear one. The chef owner of South Street Diner always wears one, too (with shorts even in the dead of winter).

Anne Deysher said...

May I recommend books on your web site? I have read two books recently that I think are "must reads" for parents of young children and for those who care for young children. They are "So Sexy, So Soon" by Diane Levin and "The Case for Make Believe: Saving Play in a Commercialized World" by Susan Linn. Both books make compelling arguments for trying to lessen the impact of media and commericialism on children. They make the case for the importance and value of creativity for children (and the whole human race), and music of course is a most creative endeavor.